Tag: Curriculum

 Displaying 1 - 5 of 19

Course Numbering System

Information about the four-digit system for numbering courses.

Institute Curriculum Committees (ICC)

Institute Undergraduate Curriculum Committee


The Institute Undergraduate Curriculum Committee shall be composed of representatives of the Administration, the Academic

Course Descriptions

Course descriptions summarize basic information about the classes offered by the Institute's many academic units.

The Catalog is Georgia Tech's authoritative source of information regarding academic policies and degree requirements.

Minors, Certificates, and Special Degree Options


Change/Addition of Minor Form

In order for a Change/Addition of Minor Form to be processed, the form must be completed by the student, signed by all appropriate offices, and submitted to the Registrar's Office in room 104 of the Tech Tower (Administration Building) or faxed to 404-894-0167.

Degree Program Coordinators

Responsibility for degree program coordination, curriculum development, and curriculum review rests with faculty degree program coordinators. These faculty are designated by their respective school chairs or deans within the academic unit (school or college) offering a given major. Depending on the school or college, degree program coordinators may have a variety of titles including, but not limited to, graduate coordinator, undergraduate coordinator, associate chair, director, assistant dean, or associate dean.
